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Member State

The getMemberState function is used to fetch the member state of the current user. It provides information about the user's status, creation timestamp, edit requirements, and more.

Steps to Get Member State

  1. Call getMemberState() function using the instance of LMFeedClient.
  2. Process the response LMResponse<GetMemberStateResponse> as per your requirement.
LMFeedClient.shared.getMemberState { response in
// Response (LMResponse<GetMemberStateResponse>)
if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message



createdAtStringTimestamp of when the member state was created
editRequiredBoolIndicates if edit is required
memberUserDetails of the member
memberRightsMemberRightObject of the community.
stateIntMember State
toolStateIntLogout response in case the user doesn't have the access.

Member Rights

idBooleanWhether topic is enabled or disabled.
isLockedStringInput text to search topics.
isSelectedStringType of search.
titleStringTitle of Member Right
subtitleStringSubtitle of Member Right
stateMemberRightStateState of Member Right


public enum ManagerRightState: Int {
case unknown = -1
case moderateChatRooms = 0
case moderateMembers = 1
case editCommunityDetails = 2
case viewMemberContactInfo = 3
case addCommunityManager = 4
case moderateDMSetting = 5
case moderateFeedAndComment = 6