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Get Topics

The LikeMinds Feed SDK offers a fundamental function for enhanced community engagement—categorizing posts and discussions into topics. This feature empowers users by providing easy access to a comprehensive list of topics within the community, fostering organized and insightful interactions, making the platform a hub for focused and meaningful discussions. This function allows fetching a list of all topics in the community.

Steps to get topics

  1. Create a GetTopicRequest object using GetTopicRequest.builder() class by passing all the required parameters.
  2. Call getTopics() function using the instance of LMFeedClient.
  3. Process the response LMResponse<GetTopicResponse> as per your requirement.
    let request = getTopicRequest.builder()
.isEnabled(true) // whether to fetch enabled/disabled or all topics
.page(1) // page number for paginated data
.pageSize(20) // page size for paginated data
.search(SEARCH_STRING) // text to search the topics
.searchType("name") // type of search

LMFeedClient.shared.getTopics(request) { response in
if response.success {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message

isEnabled key is nullable, if you want to fetch enabled topics send isEnabled = true. For disabled topics send isEnabled = false and to fetch all the existing topics send send isEnabled = null



isEnabledBooleanWhether to fetch enabled/disables/all topics.
searchStringInput text to search topics.
searchTypeStringType of search.
pageIntPage number of paginated data.
pageSizeIntPage size for paginated data.


topicsTopicList of topics.