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idStringID of the activity.
actionIntAction that triggered this activity.
actionByString[]List of unique ids of users whose actions are included in the activity.
actionOnStringID of the user for whom this activity is generated.
activityTextStringText content for the activity.
createdAtIntTimestamp when the activity was created.
ctaStringCall to action for the activity.
entityIdStringID of the entity for which activity is generated.
entityOwnerIdStringID of the entity creator for which activity is generated.
entityTypeIntType of entity for which activity is generated.
isReadBoolTrue if the notification is read already, false otherwise.
updatedAtIntTimestamp when the activity was last updated.
activityEntityDataActivityEntityDataData of the entity.
uuidStringUnique ID of like creator.

Activity Entity Data

idStringID of the entity.
textStringText content in the entity.
deleteReasonStringReason for deletion of entity.
deletedByUUIDStringID of the user who delete the entity.
headingStringHeading for the entity
attachmentsAttachment[]List of attachments in the entity.
communityIdIntID of the community where the entity was created.
isEditedBoolTrue if the entity was edited, false otherwise.
isPinnedBoolTrue if entity was pinned false otherwise.
postIdStringID of the post related to the entity.
userIdStringID of the entity creator.
repliesComment[]List of replies to the entity.
levelIntLevel of comment if entity is a comment.
createdAtIntTimestamp when the entity was created.
updatedAtIntTimestamp when the entity was last updated.
uuidStringUnique ID of entity creator.