Topic View
is a custom view for displaying a list of topics in a feed. It supports various display modes such as edit and select flows and includes an optional separator. This view uses a collection view to present topics and manages interactions through a delegate protocol.
This protocol defines methods for handling user interactions within the topic view:
didTapCrossButton(for topicId: String)
: Called when the cross button is tapped, passing the topic ID as a parameter.didTapEditButton()
: Called when the edit button is tapped.didTapSelectTopicButton()
: Called when the select topic button is tapped.
UI Components
: The main container view that holds all other subviews.stackView
: A verticalLMStackView
that arranges the collection view and the separator view.collectionView
: AnLMFeedTopicCollectionView
that displays the topics. It is configured with different cell types for display, editing, and selection.sepratorView
: AnLMView
that acts as a separator and is shown or hidden based on the configuration.
Data Variables
: An array ofLMFeedTopicCollectionCellDataModel
representing the topics to be displayed.isEditFlow
: A boolean indicating whether the view is in edit mode.isSelectFlow
: A boolean indicating whether the view is in select mode.delegate
: A weak reference to an instance conforming toLMFeedTopicViewCellProtocol
for handling user interactions.
configure(with data: ContentModel)
: Configures the view with the givenContentModel
, including topics, flow modes, and separator visibility. Reloads the collection view and updates the layout accordingly.
Action Handlers
: Configures and returns the appropriate cell for the given index path based on the current flow mode and topic data.collectionView(_:layout:sizeForItemAt:)
: Provides the size for each item in the collection view based on the topic text size.
Creating a Custom Topic View
To create a custom topic view, subclass LMFeedTopicView
and override the necessary methods to adjust the appearance and layout as needed.
class CustomTopicView: LMFeedTopicView {
override func setupAppearance() {
containerView.backgroundColor = .blue
Replacing the Default Topic View
To use your custom topic view in the application, update the LMUIComponents
in the AppDelegate
func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
LMUIComponents.shared.topicFeedView = CustomTopicView.self
// ...
return true
Feel free to let me know if there are any changes or additions you'd like!