The LMFeedCustomAgentProviderContext
stores all the custom styles and callbacks, you provide to the base components. You can use them to implement any custom action on your custom UI. By default, any of the custom definition you pass is also passed in this context internally.
Property | Type | Optional |
LMPostHeaderStyles | LMPostHeaderStyles | Yes |
LMFeedCustomIcons | LMFeedCustomIcons | Yes |
CustomComponents | CustomComponents | Yes |
FeedListCustomActions | FeedListCustomActions | Yes |
FeedPostDetailsCustomActions | FeedPostDetailsCustomActions | Yes |
GeneralCustomCallbacks | GeneralClickCallbacks | Yes |
TopicsCustomCallbacks | TopicsCustomActions | Yes |
RepliesCustomCallbacks | RepliesCustomActions | Yes |
PostCreationCustomCallbacks | PostCreationCustomActions | Yes |
postComponentClickCustomCallback | PostComponentCustomClickEventDelegatorCallback | Yes |
createPostComponentClickCustomCallback | CreatePostComponentCustomClickEventDelegatorCallback | Yes |
topicComponentClickCustomCallback | TopicComponentCustomClickEventDelegatorCallback | Yes |
memberComponentClickCustomCallback | MemberComponentCustomClickEventDelegatorCallback | Yes |
isAnonymousPostAllowed | boolean | Yes |
hintTextForAnonymous | string | Yes |
For example implementation, checkout here