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Overview of Styling and Theming in LikeMinds SDK

The STYLES class provides extensive customization capabilities for the LikeMinds Chat SDK, allowing developers to define and maintain a consistent design language across their application. By configuring its properties, you can set colors, fonts, spacing, and styles for various components and screens.

Default Styles and Customization Options

Key Properties of STYLES:

class STYLES {
static $COLORS: {
PRIMARY: string;
SECONDARY: string;

static $FONT_SIZES: {
XS: number;
SMALL: number;
REGULAR: number;
MEDIUM: number;
LARGE: number;
XL: number;
XXL: number;

static $FONT_WEIGHTS: {
LIGHT: string;
MEDIUM: string;
BOLD: string;

static $FONT_TYPES: {
LIGHT: string;
MEDIUM: string;
SEMI_BOLD: string;
BOLD: string;
BLACK: string;

LIGHT: string;
DARK: string;

static $SHADOWS: {
LIGHT: string;
MEDIUM: string;
HEAVY: string;

static $MARGINS: {
XS: number;
SMALL: number;
MEDIUM: number;
LARGE: number;

static $PADDINGS: {
SMALL: number;
MEDIUM: number;
LARGE: number;

static $AVATAR: {
WIDTH: number;
HEIGHT: number;

static $ALIGN_ROW: {
display: string;
flexDirection: string;
alignItems: string;

REGULAR: number;

default: string;
"dark-content": string;
"light-content": string;

// Various screen-specific styles
static $CHAT_BUBBLE_STYLE: ChatBubbleStyles;
static $INPUT_BOX_STYLE: InputBoxStyles;
static $REACTION_LIST_STYLE: ReactionListStyles;
static $CHATROOM_HEADER_STYLE: ChatroomHeaderStyles;
static $CHATROOM_TOPIC_STYLE: ChatroomTopicStyles;
static $FILE_UPLOAD_STYLE: FileUploadStyles;
static $MEMBER_DIRECTORY_STYLE: MemberDirectoryStyles;
static $CAROUSEL_SCREEN_STYLE: CarouselScreenStyles;
static $EXPLORE_CHATROOM_STYLE: ExploreChatroomStyles;
static $HOME_FEED_STYLE: HomeFeedStyles;
static $SEARCH_IN_CHATROOM: SearchInChatroomStyles;
static $CHATBOT_INIT_SCREEN_STYLE: ChatBotInitiateScreenStyles;
static $LMCHAT_AI_BUTTON_STYLE: LMChatAIButtonStyle;

Theme Configuration

You can dynamically configure themes using the setTheme method, which allows you to update colors, font types, and background styles. Below is an example:

import { STYLES } from "";

const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// Set theme colors and fonts
hue: 220,
fontColor: "#333",
primaryColor: "#0055FF",
secondaryColor: "#FFAA00",
lightBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
fontTypes: {
LIGHT: "Roboto-Light",
MEDIUM: "Roboto-Medium",
SEMI_BOLD: "Roboto-SemiBold",
BOLD: "Roboto-Bold",
BLACK: "Roboto-Black",
}, []);

return <>{/* Your application code here */}</>;

Screen-Specific Style Configuration

You can customize individual components or screens by using the provided setter methods. Each setter method accepts a style object to override default styles.

Example: Customizing Chat Bubble Styles

bubbleColor: "#0055FF",
textColor: "#FFFFFF",
borderRadius: 12,

Example: Customizing Input Box Styles

borderColor: "#AAAAAA",
placeholderTextColor: "#888888",
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
fontSize: 14,

Available Setter Methods

  • setChatBubbleStyle(chatBubbleStyles: ChatBubbleStyles)
  • setInputBoxStyle(inputBoxStyles: InputBoxStyles)
  • setReactionListStyle(reactionListStyles: ReactionListStyles)
  • setChatroomHeaderStyle(chatroomHeaderStyles: ChatroomHeaderStyles)
  • setChatroomTopicStyle(chatroomTopicStyles: ChatroomTopicStyles)
  • setFileUploadStyle(fileUploadStyles: FileUploadStyles)
  • setMemberDirectoryStyle(memberDirectoryStyles: MemberDirectoryStyles)
  • setCarouselScreenStyle(carouselScreenStyles: CarouselScreenStyles)
  • setExploreChatroomStyle(exploreChatroomStyles: ExploreChatroomStyles)
  • setHomeFeedStyle(homeFeedStyles: HomeFeedStyles)
  • setSearchInChatroomStyle(searchInChatroomStyles: SearchInChatroomStyles)
  • setChatbotInitScreenStyle(chatBotInitiateScreenStyles: ChatBotInitiateScreenStyles)
  • setLMChatAIButtonStyle(lmChatAIButtonStyle: LMChatAIButtonStyle)

Applying Custom Styles Across Components

By leveraging the flexibility of STYLES, you can create a cohesive and branded experience for your application. Experiment with different configurations to achieve the desired look and feel.