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Initiate User

To start using the LikeMinds Chat and enable personalized experiences for your users, you need to initiate them within the system. This process associates a user in your application with a user in the LikeMinds Chat, allowing for seamless integration and realtime messaging in your application.

Steps to initiate a User

  1. To initialise a user, use the method initiateUser() provided by the LMChatClient you created.
  2. Pass the required uuid and userName to the function. An optional parameter isGuest to be provided if the logging profile is of the guest user.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement
const payload: any = {
isGuest: false, // true for guest user
userName: "ENTER_USER_NAME",
const response = await lmChatClient?.initiateUser(payload);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message

Initiate User Payload

List of parameters provided by initiateUser()

uuidstringUnique ID for the user
userNamestringName of the userName
isGuestbooleanIs the user a guest?✔️

Initiate User Response

List of parameters for the response

communityCommunityCommunity details
userMemberUser details