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Secret Chatroom Invite Cell


The LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCell is a table view cell designed to display secret chatroom invites in the home feed. It presents essential chatroom details along with two action buttons: Accept and Reject. The cell leverages a delegate pattern to handle user interactions.

UI Components

  • chatroomView: An instance of LMChatHomeFeedChatroomView that displays the chatroom details.
  • sepratorView: A separator view used for visual structuring.
  • rejectButton: A button to reject the chatroom invite.
  • acceptButton: A button to accept the chatroom invite.

Key Methods

  • configure(with:delegate:): Configures the cell with chatroom invite data and a delegate for handling user actions.
  • setChatroomData(_:): Populates the UI elements with relevant invite details.
  • didTapAcceptButton(): Handles the tap action for the accept button.
  • didTapRejectButton(): Handles the tap action for the reject button.

Delegate Methods

The LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCellDelegate protocol provides methods to handle user actions.

didTapAcceptButton(in data: ContentModel)Called when the user taps the Accept button.
didTapRejectButton(in data: ContentModel)Called when the user taps the Reject button.

Example Implementation:

class HomeFeedViewController: UIViewController, LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCellDelegate {
func didTapAcceptButton(in data: LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCell.ContentModel) {
print("Invite accepted for chatroom ID: \(")

func didTapRejectButton(in data: LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCell.ContentModel) {
print("Invite rejected for chatroom ID: \(")


class CustomSecretChatroomInviteCell: LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCell {
override func setupViews() {
// Customize views if needed

override func setupAppearance() {
// Modify appearance of UI elements
sepratorView.backgroundColor = .lightGray

override func configure(with data: ContentModel, delegate: LMChatHomeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCellDelegate?) {
super.configure(with: data, delegate: delegate)
// Add additional customization
func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
LMUIComponents.shared.homeFeedSecretChatroomInviteCell = CustomSecretChatroomInviteCell.self
// ...
return true



A data model representing a secret chatroom invite.

chatroomChatroomViewDataData related to the chatroom associated with the invite.
createdAtInt64Timestamp(in ms) when the invite was created.
idIntUnique identifier of the invite.
inviteStatusIntStatus of the invite.
updatedAtInt64Timestamp when the invite was last updated.
inviteSenderMemberViewDataUser data of the invite sender.
inviteReceiverMemberViewDataUser Data of the invite receiver.