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The SDK has in built analytics events that are trigged for the events listed in the Analytics Events page. You can track those using tools like Segment, Mixpanel, Clevertap etc.

Analytics Callback

We've implemented an analytics callback method within the LMChatCallbacks interface. This method, characterized by parameters eventName and eventProperties, is designed to accommodate custom logic by allowing developers to override it as needed.

export interface LMChatCallbacks {
eventName: string,
eventProperties?: Map<string, string>
): void;

Code snippet

import { LMChatCallbacks } from "";

class CustomCallbacks implements LMChatCallbacks {
onEventTriggered(eventName: string, eventProperties?: Map<string, string>) {
// Override onEventTriggered with custom logic

const lmChatInterface = new CustomCallbacks();

function App():: React.JSX.Element {
return (
lmChatInterface={lmChatInterface} // add this line in LMOverlayProvider props
{/* Add navigation container */}