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LMChatIcon serves as a UI component designed for the purpose of rendering icons, including group icon, user icon and other icons within a chat interface.

Props Available

The LMChatIcon component requires certain props, some of which are mandatory, while others are optional. Here is a breakdown of the available props along with their types:

iconUrlstringRepresents the URL of the icon✔️
assetPathobjectRepresents the path of the local image✔️
colorstringRepresents the tint color of the icon✔️
heightnumberRepresents the height of the icon✔️
widthnumberRepresents the width of the icon✔️
iconStyleImageStyleRepresents the style of the icon✔️
boxFit"center" | "contain" | "cover" | "repeat" | "stretch"Defines the fit behavior of the icon inside the box✔️
boxStyleViewStyleRepresents the style of the view✔️

Code snippet

assetPath={} // source of the icon
iconStyle={} // styling of the icon