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Search In Chatroom

The search in chatroom screen is designed to display the results of searched conversations, providing a detailed view of the conversations along with the associated usernames. Additionally, the screen offers optional customization parameters.

Code snippet without customisation

import { SearchInChatroom } from "";
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
return (
// replace NavigationContainer with your navigation container
<NavigationContainer independent={true}>

Code snippet with customisation

import React from 'react';
import {SearchInChatroom} from '';
import CustomSearchHeader from 'path_to_custom_search_header';

const SearchInChatroomScreen = () => {
return (
customSearchHeader={CustomSearchHeader} // pass custom header if you wanted to customise header else don't give this prop

export default SearchInChatroomScreen;
import { SearchInChatroomScreen } from "path_to_search_in_chatroom_screen";
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
return (
// replace NavigationContainer with your navigation container
<NavigationContainer independent={true}>