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Add Poll Option

The "Add Poll Option" method permits users to contribute new response options, expanding the poll's flexibility and inclusivity. You can integrate this feature by following the given steps.

Steps to Add Poll Option

  1. To add a new poll option, use the addPollOption() method provided by the client.
  2. Pass in the required parameters.
  3. Process the response as per your requirement.
const payload = {
conversationId: 12122, // Conversation Id
poll: {
text: "",
}, // Text for the new poll option
const response = await lmChatClient.addPollOption(payload);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message

Add Poll Option Payload

conversationIdnumberConversation Id
pollobjectPoll object containing the new option text

Add Poll Option Response

successbooleanIndicates the success status of the response
error_messagestringError message in case of failure✔️
dataobjectData object containing the poll details✔️