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Leave Chatroom

Leaving a chatroom with LikeMind React Chat SDK allows you to exit a chatroom that you no longer want to be a part of.

Steps to leave an Open ChatRoom

  1. To leave a chatroom, use the method followChatroom().
  2. Pass in the required parameters collabcardId, memberId and value.
  3. Process the response as per your requirement.
// To leave a chatroom, set the value to false
const payload: any = {
collabcardId: 89899, //your chatroom id
value: false,
memberId: 23233, // member id
const response = await lmChatClient.followChatroom(payload);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message

Leave Chatroom Payload

List of parameters for the followChatroom() method.

collabcardIdnumberChatroom Id
memberIdnumberMember Id
valuebooleanFollow value

Leave Chatroom Response

List of parameters in the response.

successbooleanAPI success status
error_messageStringError message in case of failure

Steps to Leave a Secret Chatroom.

  1. To leave a secret chatroom use the method leaveSecretChatroom().
  2. pass in the required parameter chatroomId and isSecret.
  3. Process the response as per your requirement.
const payload: any = {
chatroomId: 89899, // Your chatroom ID.
isSecret: true,
const response = await lmChatClient.leaveSecretChatroom(payload);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message

Leave Secret Chatroom Payload

List of parameters for the function leaveSecretChatroom.

chatroomIdnumberChatroom Id
isSecretbooleanSet to true in case of secret chatroom

Leave Secret Chatroom Response

List of parameters for the response.

successbooleanAPI success status
error_messagestringError message in case of failure