📄️ Customising Components
The LikeMinds Feed UI components are fully customizable and interchangeable through the components configuration type that holds all the reusable views of the SDK. You can customize these views by subclassing them and replacing them in the configuration with your subclass. You should modify the values of the Components configuration from Components.default at the beginning of your application life-cycle.
🗃️ Screens
13 items
🗃️ Components
10 items
📄️ Push Notifications
Push notifications allow you to engage users and deliver timely updates and alerts, even when your app is not running. This guide outlines the steps to integrate push notification functionality for LikeMindsFeed SDK in your app.
📄️ Analytics
The LikeMinds SDK provides a set of predefined user events that you might want to track for your community application. To receive these analytics events and handle them according to your requirements, you need to implement the LMFeedAnalyticsProtocol.
📄️ Share Post
The share post feature allows users to share posts from the feed to other apps or social media platforms, providing a seamless way to distribute and engage with content beyond your app's boundaries.