Chat Analytics Events
The SDK has in built analytics events that are trigged for the below listed events. You can track those using tools like Segment, Mixpanel, Clevertap etc. You can find the classes to extend to leverage the events in the following tech stack:
- Android
- iOS
We are working on implementing analytics for Flutter, React Native and ReactJS
The event name would be prefixed as LM_EventName
Event Category | Event Name | Description | Event Properties |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom left | When any member/participant leaves the secret chatroom | chatroom_name - name of the chatroom chatroom_id - id of the chatroom chatroom_type - normal - poll - event chatroom_category secret |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom muted | When a user mutes any chatroom | chatroom_name - name of the chatroom |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom unmuted | When a user unmutes any chatroom | chatroom_name - name of the chatroom |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom followed | When the user follows any chatroom | chatroom_id community_id chatroom_type - normal, poll, event source tagged_auto_followed chatroom_overflow_menu chatroom_telescope community_feed |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom unfollowed | When a user un-follows any chatroom | chatroom_id source tagged_auto_followed chatroom_overflow_menu community_feed |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom responded | When the user responds to any chatroom | community_id - id of community chatroom_name - name of the chatroom chatroom_type - as mentioned above chatroom_last_conversation_type text link image video doc image, doc audio count_tagged_users name_tagged_users |
Chatroom Analytics | Chatroom opened | When chatroom is opened from chatroom/home feed | chatroom_id chatroom_type - normal, intro, poll, event, public_event, announcement source - home_feed, notification, community_feed, deep_link, internal_link source_chatroom_id (only in case of internal link sharing) source_community_id (only in case of internal link sharing) |
Chat Room Analytics | User tags someone | When user tags another user | community_id - id of community chatroom_name - name of the chatroom tagged_user_id - id of user tagged tagged_user_name - name of user tagged |
Chatroom Analytics | View Chatroom participants | When the user tries to see participants of any chatroom | chatroom_id community_id source chatroom_overflow_menu |
Chatroom Analytics | Voice message recorded | When the user records a voice message | chatroom_id chatroom_type |
Chatroom Analytics | Voice message previewed | When the user previews a voice message | chatroom_id chatroom_type |
Chatroom Analytics | Voice message cancelled | When the user removes a recorded voice message | chatroom_id chatroom_type |
Chatroom Analytics | Voice message sent | When the user sends a voice message | chatroom_id chatroom_type |
Chatroom Analytics | Voice message played | When the user plays a voice message | chatroom_id chatroom_type message_id |
Message Actions | Message deleted | When a user deletes the messages sent earlier | type text image audio video count chatroom_id |
Message Actions | Message copied | When a user copies the messages | type text image audio video count chatroom_id |
Message Actions | Message reply | When a user replies to any particular message | type text image audio video count chatroom_id replied_to_member_id replied_to_member_state replied_to_message_id |
Message Actions | Message reported | When the user reports any message | type text image audio video count chatroom_id reason_y |
Message Actions | Messages edited | When a user edits the messages sent earlier | type text image audio video count chatroom_id description Updated attributes - true -false |
Message Reactions | Emoticon Tray Opened | When we want to react with an emoticon on any message | from: "double tap" "long press" "reaction button" message_id chatroom_id |
Message Reactions | Reaction Added | When we react with an emoticon on any message | reaction (value: <emoticon> )from (value: <"double tap" / "long press" / "reaction button">) message_id chatroom_id |
Message Reactions | Reaction List Opened | When someone wants to see the list of all reactions to a message | message_id chatroom_id |
Message Reactions | Reaction Removed | When a user removes the reactions on any message | message_id value: <chatroom_id> chatroom_id |