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What are the analytics data available from Chat/Feed SDK?
Analytics Data is available to your mixpanel or clevertap dashboard through our analytics trackers built in the Chat/Feed SDK. You can check the events here (Chat / Feed)

What are the supported platforms and programming languages for the Chat/Feed SDK?
Supported platforms: React, ReactNative, Flutter, Kotlin, Swift

How are the notifications managed? Who sends the notification?
We use Firebase FCM to manage notification. You need to setup firebase FCM token and add it on our dashboard. You can go through the detailed guide setup guide here.

What all user data does LM need?
LikeMinds needs the following user data to create a new user: UserID User Name Profile pic

Can you access the backend data?
Yes, you can access the backend data through our REST APIs.

Will there be anything required to be done on backend while setting up?
No, we would have the feed and chat infra ready

How will users get authenticated?
You can check the HLD in the Getting Started section to get a better understanding

Can I customize the appearance of the feed/chat UI?
Yes, the LM SDKs provides options for UI customization - we currently support Flutter Chat and Feed. Check the SDK documentation for information on how to modify the appearance and layout to suit your application's design.

How can I handle user blocking and reporting functionality in the chat?
Yes we have in-built moderations features which you can access from SDK and dashboard